Health Expert warns against excessive bleeding after delivery.


By Olivia Ayivie Owusu

A Senior Midwife at the Greater Accra Regional Hospital,  Felicia Martey Dodoo has shed light on some causes, implications and possible ways of reducing the spate of anaemia in pregnant women. According to her, Mothers are prone to postpartum which is excess bleeding after delivery and can lead to death. 

Speaking on GTV Breakfast Show, she explained that some women are Anemic before they get pregnant; and certain conditions put them at higher risk of having Anemia.

 “A pregnant woman who is infected with Malaria is prone to having a reduction in the hemoglobin level,” she said.

The Senior Officer further stated that one of the factors that gives room for pregnant women to have anemia is the fact that pregnancy draws blood from the body which lightens the blood and also reduces the quality flow of the blood, and this is termed as Hemodilution.

Highlighting on the various types of anemia, Madam Dodoo explained the common forms of anemia in pregnant women, that is Iron deficiency anemia whereby there is a blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. 

“It’s the most common form of anemia. It happens when your body doesn’t have enough iron to make hemoglobin, as a result, iron deficiency may cause you to feel short of breath or tired. These symptoms develop over time,” she added.

She also talked about folic deficiency which is a condition in which there isn’t enough folic acid in the body. Folic acid is a type of B vitamin. When there isn’t enough, it can result in an insufficient number of healthy red blood cells (vitamin deficiency anemia).

“Anaemia or nervous system injury from lower than normal amounts of vitamin B12.Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to a reduction in healthy red blood cells (anaemia). The nervous system may also be affected. Diet or certain medical conditions may be the cause,” she explained this as Vitamin B12 deficiency. 

According to her , symptoms of anaemia is similar to other conditions therefore pregnant women are advised to do a complete blood count to see if their haemoglobin is really low. She further stressed that anaemia is not one of the causes of death in the Labour ward but there are complications if not treated. 

“A baby can be born anemic because of developmental problems and lack of nutrients as a result of its mother being anemic. 

Madam Felicia Martey Dodo urged all pregnant women to honor their hospital appointment so all these conditions can be checked alongside their visit to rule out any kind of anemia conditions, while guarding against self-medication.

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