Meningitis Claims 10 lives in Upper West Region.


By Belinda Nketia

A concerning rise in meningitis fatalities has been reported in the Upper West Region, with the death toll reaching 10 in January 2025, according to regional health officials. The number of reported cases has also risen sharply, with 30 suspected cases recorded, up from 17 earlier.

Dr. Damien Punguriye, the Upper West Regional Director of Health Services, revealed the alarming statistics during a recent interview on GBC News. He clarified that the cases are of meningitis, not cerebrospinal meningitis, emphasizing they are two distinct diseases.

While surveillance activities are ongoing, Dr. Punguriye highlighted a critical challenge: “The challenge is the reports come in when they’re in a very bad state.” He explained that when patients present early, “we have potent medicines for it” that can lead to a full recovery. However, the disease can become acute, rapidly progressing to a state of unconsciousness if treatment is delayed, which can cause permanent damage to vital organs including the brain.

Dr. Punguriye urged individuals experiencing symptoms to seek medical attention promptly: “Generally, if you feel unwell with any symptoms, just go to the nearest health facility real quick so they can be able to investigate. If it happens to be meningitis they’ll give you the treatment; if it’s not, you’ll still be treated for the right condition.”

The health director emphasized that early detection is crucial, noting that when patients report late, “there’s usually little that can be done.” This is because, at that stage, the disease might have already caused significant organ damage.

The ongoing situation has prompted intensified educational efforts across the region and active surveillance to detect and manage new cases as quickly as possible. However, Dr. Punguriye urged the public to take personal responsibility to visit the hospital at the first sign of illness to prevent further fatalities.

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