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Officials of WHO and UNICEF in Ashanti to supervise COVID-19 vaccination


The Ashanti Regional Health Directorate has received a team of officials from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The team is on a working visit to the Region to supervise the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccination and also understand the health system in the Region.

Led by Dr. Francis Chisaka Kasolo, Country Representative of WHO, the team met key stakeholders in the health administrative system to discuss pertinent health issues in the Region.

They also visited the Kumasi Center for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR) and the Kumasi South Hospital, which was designated as one of the COVID-19 treatment centres.

Dr. Kasolo said the team was in the Region to familiarize itself with the operations of the Directorate in relation to health delivery in the Ashanti Region.

He said the Ashanti Region was one of the most populated Regions in Ghana and the team was there to learn first-hand how health authorities were addressing the health needs of the people.

“We are also having discussions around some of the challenges in the Region to try and resolve them so that we don’t leave anyone behind in terms of health”, he said.

He expressed satisfaction about the Region’s response and management of the pandemic and other health issues and pledged the WHO’s continuous support to improve the health of the people.

Dr. Emmanuel Tinkorang, the Regional Director of Health Services commended the team for taking interest in the health situation in the Region.

He was hopeful that the partnership between the Ghana Health Service and the two bodies would continue to grow and translate into better health systems for the benefit of the people.

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