Role of Semen Analysis in Male Reproductive Health

Role of Semen Analysis in Male Reproductive Health

By Prince Dankwa

A creamy consistency and slightly basic pH level are typical characteristics of healthy semen, according to Dr. Osei, a renowned authority on male reproductive health.

He discussed a number of variables that can have a detrimental effect on sperm quality during the educational session, including infections, autoimmune diseases, and physical blockages in the reproductive system.

In addition, he stressed the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle and warned against the harmful effects of drug use, particularly marijuana, which can affect sperm production, smoking, and excessive alcohol intake.

Nutritional practices are important for preserving healthy sperm, and Dr. Osei advised including foods high in nutrients in one’s diet. It is thought that whole grains like oats and fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and melons enhance sperm production and general reproductive health.

The conversation also covered diseases that might lead to infertility, such as prostatitis and undescended testes. In order to improve reproductive outcomes, Dr. Osei emphasised the significance of early detection and fast treatment of such diseases.

The Medi Moses Clinic and Prostate Centre provides thorough diagnosis and treatment alternatives for those with infertility issues. The clinic offers specialist treatment for male reproductive health.

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