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Locked-up Investment Holders Forum to picket Ministry of Finance

Locked-Up Investment Holders Forum picket Bank of Ghana to demand payment
Locked-up Investment Holders Forum says it will begin picketing the ministry of finance for the Minister to make financial provision to enable the bank of Ghana to revoke the licenses of insolvent finance houses and savings and loans companies and pay investors’ funds.
In a statement signed by the Convener of the group, Dr Adu Anane Antwi, the group secured an assurance from the governor of the Bank of Ghana that the central bank intends to revoke the licences of insolvent Finance Houses and Savings and Loans Companies and will do so when the Ministry of Finance provides funds for the payment of depositors’ as was done in the case of the revocation of the licences of some Specialised Deposit-taking Institutions in 2017-2018.
The statement says, a petition was sent to the Ministry of Finance on March 28, appealing to the Minister to provide funds for the payment of depositors’ funds with the insolvent Finance Houses and Savings and Loans Companies to enable Bank of Ghana revoke their licences and pay depositors.
It says, it has since not received any feedback from the ministry. As a result, the group says it shall begin picketing the Ministry from Wednesday, 15th May 2024 to further press home their request and will do so till their demands are met.

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