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ABANTU pushes for more women in politics

Abantu for Development continues to encourage more women to hold themselves up and participate in the upcoming district level elections.

It says it is worrying that since the inception of the District Assembly elections Ghana has failed in attaining the UN recommended, thirty percent women threshold.

To this effect, ABANTU is calling on Ghanaians to support more women to seek elective positions.

Speaking at a forum in Accra, Dr. Magdalene Kannae of the Institute of Local Government Studies, said women should be voted for based on their capabilities.

Abantu for Development is an international women’s non-governmental organisation which seeks to empower African women in the field of politics.

The continuous historical low levels of women representation in governance both at the local and the national level give cause for concern.

Dr. Madglene Kannae said to address the inequality gap in the governance structure, adequate attention has to be paid to the economic, socio-cultural and political concerns of women.

A member of the Women’s Manifesto Coalition and Director of Programs for Odekro, a Parliamentary Monitoring Organisation, Kinna Likimani appealed to the media to be circumspect on how they promote negative stereotypes about women.

She called on the public to vote for women to increase women’s representation in governance both at the local and national levels.

Currently out of the six thousand and sixty-one elected members of the District Assembly, only two hundred and eighty two are women.

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