District Level Elections: Candidates in Abensu Electoral Area optimistic about making development integral to governance

District Level Elections

By Nana Kwame Bediako

Mr. Nuhu Mohammed and Mr. Smart Kusi are the two notable candidates standing a chance of making a name for themselves in the District level election.

Both candidates expressed their optimistic views about their chances of winning the election and their future ambitions for the community with

“When it comes to roads, bridges, and public toilets, the community has been struggling with that for some time now. I have been able to reshape the roads in the community and also distributed some books to the students in the community,” Mr. Smart Kusi said.

Mr. Smart added that he hoped the electorate would show him maximum support by voting for him, so his policies can be put to work.

He highlighted that he will provide 50% of books for students to reduce pressure on parents when purchasing books and also ensure the community gets a clinic.

The current Assembly Member and Candidate the District Level Elections, Mr. Nuhu Mohammed also expressed his delight on the support the community has given him in the last four years of serving them.

“There are a couple of challenges that have been addressed recently, what we do is to carry all the problems to the main assembly for onward submission. The intention is to bring in NGO’S to help out with some development in the area,” said Mr. Nuhu Mohammed.

He concluded by highlighting his achievements in the last four years in office as the Assembly Member of the Abensu Electoral Area. He mentioned that his team have been able to set up a well-furnished 6 unit block public school in the community for the first time.

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