St. John Boscos College of Education holds 10th Graduation Ceremony


Staff of Saint (St.) John Boscos College of Education in the Kassena Nanakana Municipality, have been commended for their dedication and hard work, exhibited in bring down the number of failures in the College to the bearers minimum.

This came to light during the College’s 10th graduation of the 2017/18 academic year students in Navrongo.

The grandaunts’ were therefore advised to still find time to interact more closely with the staff to learn and be abreast with some subjects that will enhance their communication skills.

St. John Boscos College of Education started as a seminary School in the early 1930, meant for the preparation and formation of young lay faithful in the Catholic faith.

Speaking at the 10th graduation ceremony, the Principal of the College William Anamoo Atindana indicated that, in 1940s the college turned towards the training of teachers, but not losing sight of the training of youth in their spiritual development.

It turned out teachers in various categories; Certificates “B” and “A” Post Middles, specialists 2 years in Science and Physical Education, 3 year Post-Secondary, up to the current 3 year Diploma in basic Education.

Mr. Atindana stated that, in 2004, the Public Teacher Training Colleges in Ghana were given the mandate to run the three-year Diploma in Basic Education.

This was followed by the Institutional accreditation of thirty-eight (38) Public Colleges and one Private College (Cambridge College) in August 2007.

He said that, the 38 were designated Colleges of Education and were accorded tertiary status under the Colleges of Education Act, Act 847.

Currently, there are 46 Public Colleges of Education, running the four-year Bachelor in Education in different specialism; ‘Early Childhood, Primary Education and Junior High School’ yet the College still have two batches of students pursuing the three year diploma in basic Education.

In the 2018/19 academic year, St John Boscos College of Education began the Junior High School specialism in seven programmes; Technical, Home Economics, ICT, Agriculture Science, Visual Arts, Mathematics and Science.

Mr. Atindana however, lamented the numerous challenges that the College is faced with that hinder her academic performance.

Upper East Regional Minister Paulina Abayage addressing the graduation

Addressing the graduation ceremony, the Upper East Regional Minister Paulina Patience Abayage, said as an institution, it was time for self-assessment and renewal, time to holistically reflect on the mission and vision of the college, take stock and report to their stakeholders and the general public at large their achievement and challenge.

The Minister congratulated the grandaunts for staying in the course and finding the race. Ms Abayage stated that they have earned the right to celebrate, though in moderation, their achievement saying their graduation is a testimony to the fact that, they have worked hard, withstood challenges and sacrificed their energy and time to achieve success.

She stated that, the teacher education lays the foundation for the development of the human capital of the country without which social development and economic prosperity would be impossible.

Ms. Abayage charged the grandaunts that. In all, 8 graduated with first class out of a total of three hundred and 33 students made up of One hundred and 5 females and Two hundred and 18 males.

Those who excel were given undisclosed sum of cash with overall best student taking home GHC 500.00.

A cross section of the graduands

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