Who am I to be carried by another human being, Jesus Christ was not carried – Ehunabobrim Prah Agyensaim VI


By: Savannah Pokuaah Duah 

Paramount Chief of the Assin Owirenkyi Traditional Council, Ehunabobrim Prah Agyensaim VI, has explained his decision to utilize a motorized palanquin sparingly, emphasizing his discomfort with being carried by other human beings and his commitment to modernizing traditional practices in Assin Kushea, known for being one of the neatest towns in Ghana and for its rich history. 

The Chief, Ehunabobrim Prah Agyensaim addressed his subjects during an interview with GTV breakfast show host Thelma Tackie on Friday, March 21, 2025.

Chief Agyensaim VI detailed his reservations about the traditional palanquin. “Yes, I have brought it here maybe two, three years ago. I’ve used it maybe twice. Okay. Or three times only,” he said, referring to the motorized version. “You see, when you are in a leadership position, you have to strive to do unusual things. I have always, always been uncomfortable having human beings carry me, like in a palanquin. Who am I? Jesus wasn’t carried as far as my poor religious knowledge will help me conclude, that even he was not carried. Who am I to be carried by another human being?”

He drew comparisons to other global leaders. “So, I looked around and I found that my cousins in England, my nieces in England, Elizabeth, God bless her soul, was not being carried. I had the courage. I saw other monarchs,” Chief Agyensaim VI explained, indicating his desire to align traditional practices with contemporary values.

He also cited the Constitution as justification for his approach. “Look, even in the Constitution, it says that the cultural and traditional practices that could be harmful and of no value in contemporary society should be done away with. Let’s move forward,” he stated.

The Chief clarified that his inspiration comes from adapting best practices, not imitation. “The only thing I steal in my life is knowledge. And even that, it’s not so much stealing, I obtain permission and get it. I try to learn, copy best practices. And I’ll do that even with the devil,” he explained.

Chief Agyensaim VI also referenced a non-motorized palanquin, a paragon queen housed in the palace. The motorized version I don’t enjoy sitting in this. I want to set an example. And me, I copy, I didn’t want to use the traditional one I want to set an example,” he said.


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