Bride-to-be cancels wedding after guests refuse to pay $1,150 attendance fee


A Canadian woman known only as “Canadian Susan” recently got her five minutes of online fame after revealing that she had to cancel her dream wedding just 4 days before it was scheduled to take place, because guests refused to pay a $CAD 1,500 “cash gift” required to attend.
The unnamed bride and her fiancee only had a budget of $CAD $15,000 for their wedding, but after visiting a psychic who told them to go with the most expensive option available, they apparently decided to have an extravagant ceremony, which they figured would cost them around $CAD $60,000.
All they needed now was a bit of financial assistance to make their dream wedding happen, and who better to ask than their family and friends? After doing the math, they found that if every guest pitched in $CAD 1,500 ($1,150), they’d have enough to cover the costs. Apparently, the idea of paying a hefty feed just to attend the wedding didn’t really appeal to a lot of people.
“I specifically, I mean specifically asked for cash gifts. How could we have our wedding that we dreamed of without proper funding?” Susan wrote in a Facebook post shared by someone who claimed to be her cousin. “I mean seriously people, what is $1,000? What is $1,500? Clearly, not a lot. It would be quite manageable and within budget. I’ve heard of people asking for worse.”
Everything seemed to be going according to plan, at first. Susan’s made of honor pledged $CAD 5,000 along with her wedding planning services, her fiancee’s family also offered to put up $3,000 to help them fulfill their dream, and some of the guests also promised to contribute. But after sending out all the invitations, only 8 people RSVP’d with their cheques of $CAD 1,500.
“We were f***ing livid.” Susan wrote. “How was this supposed to happen without a little help from our friends. To make matters worse, my ex’s family took back their offer. Suddenly, more people backed out, including the c*** maid of honor. My best friend since childhood. My second family. I was so shocked and tearful.”
With just one month to go before their dream wedding, the desperate couple did everything they could to raise the necessary funds.
They told guest to donate however much they could afford, and even set up a GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign which ultimately only raised $250.
At one point, Canadian Susan’s fiancee propose that they just elope to Vegas instead, and forget about this stressful dream wedding that just didn’t seem possible anymore.
But that just made things worse.
Things started getting worse between Susan and her fiancee, and four days before the wedding, she took to Facebook to let everyone know that the whole thing was off and that she and her long-time partner had split up due to “irreparable problems”.
“Dear friends, it comes with great sadness that I am announcing the cancellation of the wedding. I apologise for cancelling only four days beforehand. Unfortunately, [fiance’s name] and I have broken up due to some recent and irreparable problems. We have decided to end our relationship and not go forth with any future proceedings.”

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