Cat needs glucose drip after mating with five females in single night


A cat has been left needing a glucose drip after it mated with at least five females in one night when he was let out of his cage by pet hotel staff.

Xiaopi the Russian Blue was left at the hotel by his owners, Mr and Mrs Zhao, in Guangdong Province in South China.

Mr Zhao said that he had specifically told the business that Xiaopi had not been neutered.

It wasn’t until the following day that Mr Zhao realised Xiaopi had been left to freely roam the pet hotel after staff went home.

Mr Zhao wrote on social media to say: ‘I thought they’d be professional, but the staff member didn’t feed Xiaopi during the day and let him out to roam freely at night.

‘That’s right, all the cats were free to walk around the shop and then the employee went home.

‘Between around 10.40pm and 5am, my cat mated with five female cats. And those are only the ones I could see in the CCTV footage.’

Mr Zhao claims that the pet hotel staff then blamed him for the incident and complained that some of the cat owners weren’t planning on having kittens.

He said: ‘They had the nerve to be upset with me. They wanted me to explain the situation to all the other owners.

Mr Zhao later revealed that the pet hotel apologised and offered to pay for Xiaopi’s fluid therapy.

He added: ‘They’re going to compensate each pregnant cat’s owner 500 Renminbi (£56), and have promised to sell any kittens on their behalf.

‘The other owners have also told me they’ll either give me a kitten or 1,000 Renminbi (£113) if their cats turn out to be pregnant.

A pedigree Russian Blue can be worth anything between £350 to well over £1,000.

Mr Zhao said Xiaopi has since regained his strength and is in a stable condition.

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