Nasa wants to pay someone £12,000 to sleep for 70 days


If your idea of the perfect day is spending it in bed asleep, you’re in luck because you can now get paid to do just that. Nasa is looking to pay someone £12,000 to sleep for 70 days.
They want to see how the human body adapts to weightlessness in a ‘bed rest’ study.
Yes, it sounds pretty simple but just to put it into perspective: you have to do absolutely everything in bed.
To participate in the study, you must live, eat and shower in the same position as it causes the body, and the cardiovascular system, to adapt as though it were in space.
Nasa basically wants to monitor your body. And don’t worry, you’ll be in safe hands.
They often rely on human subjects to support data collection.
The results allow countermeasures to be devised that will help astronauts on space missions, as well as bed-ridden people on Earth – so, you’ll be doing a good deed while getting £12,000 richer.
What have you got to lose? Well, apart from your social life, of course. If you’re on the lookout for another job, one company is looking for people to become official pie tasters.
Holland’s Pies is looking for five people who absolutely love pies to taste their ranges.
You get paid in pies – an entire year’s supply, in fact. Sure, it’s not thousands of pounds, but at least you definitely won’t go hungry.

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