Tesco Worker sues supermarket after colleague 'farted in his face'


A Tesco worker has taken the supermarket to court after a colleague farted in his face.
Atif Masood, 42, wants £20,000 for the harassment and racial discrimination he allegedly suffered at the branch in Thornton Heath, south London.
He said the farting amounted to bullying and has not received an apology from the supermarket, which he claims failed to investigate his complaint adequately.
Mr Masood, who has worked for the chain since 2006, said he was targeted because he is a Muslim. Tesco disputes the claim even though they reviewed CCTV and found sufficient evidence to support his allegation after reviewing CCTV footage.
Mr Masood said he received derogatory messages and was insulted with comments including ‘Muslims are terrorists’ and that he was called a liar, according to the Standard.
He said that he was a victim of ‘unwanted conduct which had the purpose or effect of violating his dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating and/or offensive’ [situation], and in the ‘act of breaking wind in the claimant’s face, a smelly environment for him because of his race.’
Legal papers stated: ‘For the avoidance of any doubt, the respondents deny that they discriminated against (whether directly or indirectly), harassed or victimised the claimant because of, or for a reason related to race, religion or belief, as alleged in the claim form, or at all.’ A hearing will take place next year.
A Tesco spokesperson said: ‘Everyone is welcome at Tesco regardless of their gender, race, background or education. We are unable to comment on ongoing legal proceedings or the specifics of this case.’

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