Research shows increase child rights abuse in Ghana despite vigorous campaign


A Child Rights advocate organization, OAfrica has engaged stakeholders in child protection in Ho in a bid to reduce to the barest minimum the rate of child rights abuse in the Volta and Oti Regions.

Participants made up of traditional and religious leaders, heads of social welfare departments, educationists among others were taken through presentations on positive parenting tools and awareness creation on child rights.

OAfrica also presented a research project it undertook in collaboration with the Department of Children with funding from European Union.

The research indicates the increase of child rights abuse in the country despite vigorous campaign to stop the menace.

The report also shows that most older citizens are ignorant of children’s rights hence they continuously torture children physically and emotionally.

The report however revealed that child trafficking has decreased but requires vigorous education to eliminate it.

A Child Rights Advocate with OAfrica, Platini Ashiagbor called for effective implementation of child rights policies to safeguard children.

He also entreated parents and community leaders to see to a proper upbringing of children in order to make them meaningful citizens.

The Volta Regional Director of the Department of Children, Israel Akrobortu, appealed to stakeholders to collaborate with his outfit in the fight against child rights abuse in the Volta and Oti Regions.

Participants appealed to government to adequately resource agencies responsible for child protection as well as proper implementation of children’s welfare policies.

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