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Media charged to lead climate change discussions


By Emmanuel Oti Acheampong. Conversations and discussions around climate change and its adversities are seemingly losing their prominence in the Ghanaian context day in and day out. As the fourth estate of every country, the media, with the power it yields to push an agenda and get great results, has been charged to lead discussions […]

West African Universities urged to introduce climate information systems in curricula


Universities in Western Africa have been urged to redesign their curricula with special focus on climate information systems and smart agricultural production techniques. This is to help raise the needed awareness of climate change and its related challenges among the youth and help train them effectively to find appropriate strategies to address such problems in […]

Ghana makes headway in national energy policy


By Oforiwa Darko While the effects of climate change will be felt universally, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes clear, these trends are hurting the world’s most vulnerable populations first and hardest. Nevertheless, achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement requires transitioning to a net-zero economy. While this is an essential task […]