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Spotify listeners cross half a billion mark

Spotify Technology said on Wednesday, March 8 it would roll out new features like smart shuffle and previews of podcasts and music playlists on its audio streaming platform, as it crossed 500 million in monthly active listeners. The Swedish company, which has invested heavily in building up its podcast and audiobooks business in recent years […]

Ghanaian music records big wins globally as Spotify marks 1-year presence in Ghana

By Doreen Ampofo Finally, the results about the performance of Ghanaian music on Spotify, a year since the app is available in Ghana, are out. Massive wins for Ghanaian music! Press release below with all the rankings. Asakaa, Ghanaian Afropop and Ghanaian gospel are shattering records overseas! *Stats: Ghanaian music records big wins globally as […]