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Central Region records almost 10 years decline in teenage pregnancies


Central Region has recorded a decade of steady decline in teenage pregnancies from 13,355 in 2014 to 8,539 in 2023. Representing a 64 per cent decline, the feat is attributed to the tremendous work by UNFPA Sub-Implementing Partners on adolescent reproductive rights, and sexual and gender-based violence. Key among the partners are Ghana Health Service, […]

Child neglect cases on the rise in Ghana’s Eastern Region

Child neglect cases on the rise in Ghana's Eastern Region

By: Gloria Atiase Statistics available at the Eastern Regional Office of the Department of Children indicate that 14 Child Trafficking Victims were rescued in 2021 compared to only one reported case and rescue made last year. Two major issues posing serious challenge are Teenage pregnancies and Child Prostitution which are a new phenomenon emerging in […]