Election 2024: Hassan Ayariga visits Kusasi and Mamprusi Communities in Upper East

By: Seth Ayiah Founder and Presidential Candidate of the All-People’s Congress (APC) Hassan Ayariga has launched his campaign in the Upper East region with a visit to Kusasi and Mamprusi communities to express his concern about current happenings in Bawku and how peace can be maintained.  Welcomed by both communities, Dr Ayariga was tasked with […]

Flood hinders access to education, healthcare at Vea, surrounding communities


Residents of Vea and its surrounding communities in the Bongo District of the Upper East Region are struggling to access education and healthcare delivery, among other social services, due to the recent torrential rains. The rains have flooded the main road near the Vea Dam, which links the communities to the Regional Capital, Bolgatanga and […]