Road Sector: Technical Committees to address key issues inaugurated

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The Ministry of roads and highways has inaugurated three committees to address key issues in the roads sector.

Of priority among their duties will be to improve the safety of trunk roads, reduce congestion on trunk roads and review the status of road constructors. The Minister, Mr. Kwasi Amoako-Attah says the time to act is now.

With the mandate to ensure the safety and security of all categories of road users, the committees are expected to speed up the processes to realize this dream coupled with the President’s declaration of 2021 as the second phase of the year of roads.

Unmotorable roads, congestion and unauthorized speed ramps among others account for major travel discomfort and often times, accidents on the roads.

Statistics show that there were over 15,000 road crashes alone between 2019 and 2020 resulting in over 2300 deaths in 2019 and 2500 deaths in 2020.

The Committee to improve on safety on all trunk/urban and feeder roads, is tasked to among other roles to audit all speed calming devices on roads and make appropriate recommendations to the ministry.

Excessive emphasis is on the impact of traffic congestion on the national purse and daily lives.

The Committee on Congestion on National Trunk and Urban Road networks is tasked to identify and make recommendations to eliminate congestion in major cities and towns. The third Committee on Classification Review will ensure the equitable and fair classification of road constructors.

The three committees have seven members each. They have three weeks to submit their report for a government blueprint.

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