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ECOWAS launches Gender Observatory platform to advance regional gender agenda


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the Strengthening Regional Peace and Stability in West Africa Program (SPS), has officially launched the ECOWAS Gender Observatory (ECOGO) platform in Accra.

The platform according to the Commissioner for Human Development and Social Affairs of the ECOWAS Commission. Prof. Fatou Sow Sarr will serve as an essential tool for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating real-time gender data, to enable decision-makers to develop and implement policies that promote gender equality and empower women and girls across the region.

“The ECOGO platform will also provide a comprehensive database on the status of gender equality while also serving as a hub for sharing best practices and enhancing cooperation among governments, civil society organizations, and international partners,” she added.

As part of the launch, a three-day training workshop was held to equip key stakeholders with the skills needed to effectively manage and utilize the ECOGO platform, ensuring its successful deployment and impact across the region.

Speaking in an interview with the media after the training and the launch, Prof. Sow Sarr, explained that the training sessions afforded participants from member states the opportunity to thoroughly explore the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting mechanisms of the ECOGO tool, and to address challenges specific to the region, taking into account the varied realities and unique contexts of the ECOWAS member states.

“We also reviewed the entire data production and management chain, from data collection to analysis, and above all its use to influence policy and local strategies,” she added.

Prof. Sow Sarr called on member states to commit themselves to the implementation of the ECOGO digital platform. Saying the real work begins after the launching of the platform.

“Let’s continue learning and strengthen collaboration between all stakeholders. For together, we can make a significant impact and advance gender equality within ECOWAS.

The ECOGO represents a crucial tool in our quest for gender equality and women’s empowerment. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the data collected and studies carried out are not forgotten, but rather translated into tangible action and positive change on the ground,” ECOWAS Commissioner for Human Development and Social Affairs reiterated.

In another development, Dr. Mathias Naab, Director UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa, said the creation and launch of the ECOWAS Gender Observatory represent a crucial and timely endeavor.

According to her, the bold initiative taken by ECOWAS and its partners will empower the region to boldly confront any obstacles and rigorously monitor Member States’ compliance with commitments to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.

“The initiative strongly aligns with our Gender Equality Strategy and the Renewed Strategic Offer for Africa (2022-2025),” She explained.

Dr. Naab used the opportunity to confirm her outfit’s commitment to continuing their joint efforts to advance regional and national initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and empowering women in the region.

“As we transition to the next phase, UNDP will work closely with the African Union and other partners to expand this initiative to other RECs, including COMESA, ECCAS, EAC, IGAD, and SADC, among others, and the operationalisation of the AU Gender Observatory. This collaboration aims to strengthen accountability for gender results systematically and comprehensively and drive meaningful progress in advancing gender equality,” she reiterated.

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