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Parliament passes National Service Authority Bill 2024 into law

Approval of 2024 budget hangs: Headcount to be taken on Thursday

Parliament has passed the National Service Authority Bill, 2024 paving the way for the National Service Scheme to become an Authority.

The Authority as a corporate body will now have the requisite legal capacity to develop and implement policies, and programmes for national service.

The National Service Authority Bill, 2024, was laid in Parliament by the Education Minister under a certificate of urgency on the 14th June, 2024 pursuant to a Cabinet Memorandum.

The Executive Director of the National Service Scheme (NSS), Mr Osei Assibey Antwi thanked Parliament for the unity of purpose with which the bill was passed.

He said the Authority status the NSS will attain, after the president accents to it, will broaden their scope of operation.

He said as at now the scheme does not owe any service personnel. He said the scheme is now better placed to significantly wean itself from government financially.

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