By Murtala Issah
It was an emotional moment at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Convention Centre at Hampshire in the United Kingdom as tens of thousands of guests attending the 58th Annual Convention renewed their faith and pledged their allegiance to Allah and the Leader and Spiritual Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad.
Millions of Ahmadi faithfuls around the world also joined the ceremony known as Bai’at, which climaxed the three-day annual convention.
The Worldwide Leader recited the kalimat shahadat, which is a declaration that, “I bear witness that there is non worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger,” after which the congregation prayed for forgiveness, which brought many to tears.

Baiat is an Islamic practice of declaring an oath of allegiance to a particular leader.
The practice dates as far back as the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and later by his successors, by those wishing to join the Islamic community.
The bai’at is a notable feature within Ahmadiyya Islam. Following the death of a leader, a pledge of allegiance is taken by the newly chosen Caliph from members of the Community based upon this prophetic model, and the bai’at is the standard procedure for formally joining the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The Amir and leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ghana, Muhammad Bin Salih, this solemn moment is replicated in Ghana at the annual National Convention. He noted that, the occasion provides a unique opportunity for the faithful to renew their connection with God.