Tips on getting money with Rabbi Odame-Ansa

Tips on getting money with Rabbi Odame Ansa

By Prince Dankwa

Rabbi Odame popularly known as (Rabbi Gari) gave a financial literacy lesson and provided helpful guidance on achieving financial independence. He underlined that creating wealth requires effort rather than just acquiring it, and that applying one’s intellect to solve issues is a key to success.

Rabbi Odame listed five essential money-making guidelines: Value Creation. Emphasizing that generating sustainable value generates sustainable wealth, he promoted adding value via training or skill development.

Productivity: Noting that productivity inherently attracts money, he counselled being productive and producing outcomes.

Energy Utilisation: Whether in the formal or informal sectors, Rabbi Odame encouraged individuals to use their physical and mental energy for productive efforts.

Investment: To protect savings from the depreciation of the local currency, he advised investing in gold or other foreign currencies. According to him buying and selling foreign currencies doesn’t affect the economy since it’s being traded here instead of abroad.

Practical Skills: He highlighted the importance of practical skills, which can save money and generate income.

Rabbi Odame used personal tales to highlight his points and inspire listeners to come up with original ideas for making and saving money. He can be found on Facebook and TikTok for additional advice. Sessions with Rabbi Odame remain an invaluable asset for anyone looking to get out of a bad financial situation.

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